Sirid is project management software which helps in increasing the efficiency of the production team. This software is developed by the Thraex Software for reporting any kind of bugs, proper distribution of tasks and various other management specifications. This software is cloud-based and provides multi-user options. Sirid also has features like projects scheduling and planning, advanced reporting, collaboration, and many other advanced options.
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How Sirid Helps You In Project Management?
Sirid can help you in managing several key components of your business. This software is also used for monitoring key performance indicators of your enterprise. There are many other features of this professional project management system.
Let’s understand some of the vital features of Sirid and how it increases your efficiency:

Efficient Project Tracking
Sirid can track the progress of any project undertaken by the enterprise. This software helps the manager to keep tabs on the latest development of the project. This includes the progress of the individual tasks, the general idea developed about the projects by the employees and for identifying the high performers. This software would also help the users in identifying the various bottlenecks in the projects.

Efficient Cost Management System
Correctly predicting or calculating the cost for each project is one the toughest challenge for project managers. Sirid provides the manager with the most accurate options that would help him or her identifying sources that can lead to extra expenses. It would also help the user in cost projection and properly manage the production schedule for any kind of present or future cost issues.

Efficient File Management
This is one of the important features of Sirid. It is fully able to optimize your file and let you upload or edit your important documents without saving any attachment with it. This would allow your employee to have easy access to the documents and observe any real-time change in those documents. This software is also able to safeguard your files from any outside intervention.

Efficient Communication
This software allows the employees to have better communication among the employees. This option is very helpful in the situation when the teams are present in the office. Sirid offers various tools like file sharing, group calendar, versioning, individual spaces, and activity stream. This would allow the employees to focus on their individual work and the managers would be able to track their progress without affecting anyone’s productivity.

Effective Filtering Options
Sirid also has a great filtering option that helps the manager in planning any projects in a more efficient way. The user can input his or her preferences and sort all the accordingly. The user might be able to filter the information by employee, date or any custom tags. By using the filter option, you can easily find the information in the file database. This feature also increases the user-friendly nature of the software.
You can now understand the basic features of Sirid. Through these features, Sirid is able to increase the efficiency which in turn increases the productivity and adds to a well-organized workflow.